Bullying Causes Tragedies | Teen Ink

Bullying Causes Tragedies

December 17, 2013
By Anonymous

Do you think bulling is funny? Probably it is in that moment because you trying to look cool, but actually it’s not right. Why? Because you’re messing with someone’s feelings and all the people react different toward that. Bulling is when you’re bothering someone, cause of how they look or act and want to intimidate smaller or weaker people.

I thing bulling is a really bad choice to make because each person can react really different towards that. A lot of people end up killing there self’s cause of that because they can’t take it no more. Also in some cases they don’t even want to come to school no more because of the same reason, they are not getting there education like they supposed to. They don’t feel safe no where they go, that’s how serious it can become. That’s why am against bulling because in most cases people harm themselves, so why do that? They don’t do anything to you; they don’t bother you... so why bother them.

Other reason why bulling is really bad is because bulling don’t happen just in school, it happens online too. I think that’s worse because online they think they have the right to say whatever they want like for example, they are some cases that on Facebook, email etc. they send messages saying you deserve to die, kill yourself, you’re not worth nothing etc. Those messages make people go crazy and don’t think what they’re doing. For example they start to self-harm themselves, hang themselves, take pills etc. So why would you want to have in your mind a guilty conscious.

Bulling probably is funny or fun but actually is not because you’re hurting someone can probably be you on the future. And I know those people who are bulling someone right know wouldn’t like that someone bully them so why would you do it if you won’t like it if they do it to you. They think that they are bigger and stronger that the other person but actually the aggressor is the one who is the weaker person that they bully people because probably he don’t have attention or love from someone and they want revenge and they take it on anyone and that’s why they do it.

This is all the reasons that bulling is a really bad choice to make. Bulling and aggressing people don’t just happen in school, it happens everywhere; it happens online and it even happens at work. A lot of people are dead right know cause of bulling and those poor people couldn’t take it no more so they thought that killing themselves was the best choice. Am pretty sure that those people who bully the person that they are known dead, feel so bad and really guilty for the rest of their life’s. So why feel like that? Just do the right choices and say no to bulling because it can be funny at first but can turn into a tragedy.

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This article has 1 comment.

GageSayles said...
on Dec. 30 2013 at 5:36 am
Quite a good job on this; might need to work on your literary skills though. Suicide doesn't happen because of bullying. Ultimately it's the person's choce, so don't feel bad for the person, but rather the people they impacted with their decision.