My Bullying Journey | Teen Ink

My Bullying Journey

January 3, 2014
By Serena Carrion BRONZE, New York City, New York
Serena Carrion BRONZE, New York City, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bullying is a serious topic in our nation today. It cause crime and students of all ages to quick going to school. As for me I was bullying almost through my whole life.

As a young elementary school girl.

Bullying began for me mostly during the fourth grade. It isolated me from what I could have done like my more effort in class work or even projects. I also began to isolate myself from everyone even my friends.

This started when I was in my fourth grade classes room, and I just ask to go to the bathroom and the teacher said no. So I ask the other teacher the same question , and that teacher said no because the other teacher said no . So when the teacher heard I ask other teacher if I could go to the bathroom the teacher scream at me and embrasses me in front of the whole class.

I got so embarrassed that my urine came out and I wet my pants. I cry so hard in front of the whole classes. They had to call my mom and I told her what happen. They change my class and I was set up with whole class of students that I didn't even know. I have to admit that it was hard to settle in because they were very hard to understand. But by the second week made friends. But of course just when I got use to the class it was. A couple of people decided that it was okay to but glitter in my hair. I told my mom what happen again and she told the assistance principal and he fix. By the next day the teachers try to help but it was no use. From that day those people hated me for that entire year and basically the whole last year of elementary school, it was awful.

As a Middle Schooler

Once I got into middle school. It was even more terrible than elementary school issues. I was now dealing with the populars.

As the days and months grew I got bullied every single day. They would usually pick on the fact that I got a lazy eye or that I wear glasses. I got even worst when they start to talk behind my back and making fun of everything i do and say. It got to the point were mirco- manage everything they said to me. It was hard. It even got to the point were I could not even go to the school.

By the time I was in 7th grade I left the school and never return. This was my bullying journey.

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