This Society | Teen Ink

This Society

January 6, 2014
By BabyJudy16 BRONZE, Collingswood, New Jersey
BabyJudy16 BRONZE, Collingswood, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself; because an original is worth more than a copy.

I hate this society
This society that thinks its okay to call someone ugly
This society that can make someone cry and think its funny
This society that will judge someone by the music they listen to
This society that will criticize people for every little thing they do
I hate this society
This society that can ruin a persons self esteem
This society that will make someone give up on their dreams
This society that makes you believe that you're less than great
This society that makes this beautiful world and ugly place
I hate this society
This society that makes it impossible to be happy with who you are
This society that tries to tear you down so that you don't get far
This society that makes being yourself a bad thing
This society that glorifies this disgusting word called bullying

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