Take It Back | Teen Ink

Take It Back

January 6, 2014
By ejp790 BRONZE, North Sandwich, New Hampshire
ejp790 BRONZE, North Sandwich, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Stone cold metal daggers
into my skin they slice.

“They're only words”
that’s what some people tell me.

“Don’t listen to them”
but it isn't that easy.

Take a joke!
That’s not what I meant

It isn't funny
why is it me you torment.

Is it the color of my skin?
I can’t help it.

Is it the way I talk?
I’ll try to stop it.

It’s in the cafeteria
I can’t hear your words.

It’s behind me
it’s still blurred.

Now it’s on my phone
How far will this go?

It’s even on my computer
my heart is starting to overflow.

I am turning into
my own worst enemy.

My mind is
filling with jealousy.

Of everything society told me
what I should but can’t be.

Be yourself they say
Be true to you.

But then they go
and cook you into loser stew.

bruises from sticks and stones
will eventually heal.

but the scars you left in my heart
are things I will always feel.

It’s becoming too much
I’ll start to fall apart.

I’m going to make it stop
I need a fresh start.

I go to school
and they laugh in my ears.

I just smile
and ignore all my peers.

They don’t have to like me
that’s perfectly fine.

But I won’t let them ruin this,
this life is mine.

Their faces were surprised
when I didn't cower at what they said.

Why isn't she crying?
Thoughts ran through their head.

If they never got the satisfaction
of my humiliation

What was the point of doing it?

I told them this
right to their face.

It was me they couldn't erase.

Still, I think they understood
hurting me was pointless.

It was just for the kicks
now there isn't success.

The frozen cold
that was always there.

Is slowly disappearing
now it’s more like summer air.

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