Prevent Bullying | Teen Ink

Prevent Bullying

January 8, 2014
By Kimon W BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Kimon W BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that people can prevent bullying by helping people out at the time when they need it because it will make the victim feel much better, the bully might stop when he sees someone taking up for the victim , and the victim will start having more confidence in himself.

It will make the victim feel better because they start realizing that they have friends who has their back, and they won’t be afraid when a tough problem happen.

For example, when this boy was getting picked on I helped him out and he was really happy and thankful for what I did.

Also, the bully will stop because he sees that someone is taking up for the victim and the bully start to realize what he is doing, and that the victim and his friends aren’t afraid of him any more and he’s starting realize that they aren’t scared.

For example, one day a I saw a bully take someone's money and a lot of people were yelling at the bully and he saw that they weren’t scared of him anymore.

The last reason is that the victim starts having more confidence in himself because he know that he can stand up to the bully, and that he has friends who will protect him from the bully when he starts messing with him.

For example, this boy was walking and the bully hit him and told him to give him all of his money and his shoes but the boy stood up and said “I'm not scared of you anymore so leave me alone,” I was really surprised and a lot of us went right there and helped him out. In conclusion, while some people think that bullying is bad and that it should stop I have proven that instead of saying bullying is bad you can say how people can prevent it from happening, and when you do that bullying might stop. Bullying should stop all over the world because it’s damaging peoples life because they are afraid to do things like play with their friends or even to go to school and if it stops the world would be a better and safer place for everyone. So don’t be a bully be a star.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this was that, a lot of people are getting bullied because of things that don't make sense, this is causing the victims to commit suicide or do things to other people.I hope this article about preventing bullying will help stop it because it's cruel and mean, so stop and be a star.

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This article has 1 comment.

MsSchneeman said...
on Jan. 12 2014 at 11:57 am
Woo hoo, congrats on getting published, Kimon! Keep up the hard work!