Gossiping | Teen Ink


January 8, 2014
By Shontia L BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Shontia L BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Steph, why did you go tell Janae that Caria & Tania was going to jump me?”

“I never said that, I swear to god,” she put both hands in the air.
“You did so, all the people that came up to me and asked said you told them that! But okay whatever, all I’m saying is to keep my name out your mouth if you don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said.
“But I didn’t say it,” she replied.
“Yeah okay, you heard what I said,” I say with an attitude.

Gossiping is the one thing everybody do. People might not do it all the time but they still do it . Most people gossip about their friends, like if they had an argument or something. They gossip over the internet or at school, but either way people still find out about it & can start bullying the friend. It relates back to the movie, “Cyberbully.”The friend was jealous and started to post stuff on an anonymous page and when people find out it was they friends that did that to them, they start to not like each other.Also, when people come up and say who told them, and they say it was your friend then you start to not trust them anymore.Well ,I guess what I’m getting to is to not use your hands and fist to solve problems but use positive words, go tell an adult.Be the bigger person and not use negative actions to solve your problem.

Trust issues with friends means that you have to think about should you tell them something.Like would you be able to trust them with what you want to tell them because they go and tell your business, it can ruin the sisterhood you and your friend had if you or them go and tell one anothers business. Like my first example in the beginning, that’s somebody telling other people’s business but letting out the wrong information.

When friends start to not like each other that means you act like y’all never was friends.Also, y’all start start to look each other up and down or talking about each other for no reason. For example, when I wasn’t friends with somebody we rolled our eyes at each other all the time.But what we should’ve done was tell an adult about our problem.

Gossiping also leads to bullying. When people start to hear about what your friend sent around they can pick on you. Also, when you feel like you’ve been picked on enough you start thinking SUICIDAL. For instance, this boy name KC (Kevin), about two months ago hung himself.Nobody knows why he did it but his mother found him not breathing in the bathroom and he left no type of evidence why he did it.

This is why the topic gossiping is so important.It leads to bigger things.I hope this helped you think more about why gossiping is so important today. You should go tell an adult when gossiping comes up so the problem won’t get bigger instead of trying to do it yourself.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem because i witness gossiping before, i actually did it and it made me feel like a terrible person for doing it. I want people to see how gossiping can affect people & see how can they help stop it from becoming a bigger problem.

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This article has 1 comment.

MsSchneeman said...
on Jan. 12 2014 at 11:57 am
Woo hoo, congrats on getting published, Shontia! Keep up the hard work!