Stop Bullying | Teen Ink

Stop Bullying

January 8, 2014
By Mykaela J BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Mykaela J BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A lot of people find themselves bullying others because of jealousy, because they don’t like the person , because of something going on in their home, or because they are bored. To some people it is hard to stop bullying, others its not. People don’t know that bullying hurts others a lot. Bullying is wrong and leads to bad things and it can affect people negatively because someone can commit suicide, someone can harm themselves physically, mentally, or emotionally, and someone can begin to have low self esteem or doubting themselves.
One reason bullying is wrong and leads to bad things is that someone can commit suicide. For example, my cousin actually have been bullied recently at school for something she put on Facebook about a girl and her friend. Since then everybody turned on her and a lot of people wanted to fight her because of this. She could not take it no more so she took a lot of pills and overdosed on them and she passed out. This shows that bullying affects people a lot and can cause a lot of bad things. This could have been avoided if she did not put nothing on Facebook and if she kept her comments to herself.
Another reason that bullying is wrong and leads to bad things is that someone can harm their self physically, mentally, or emotionally. For example, my aunt once got bullied really bad. She could not deal with it anymore so she started cutting herself and she wanted to start doing drugs. She never told anybody so she took it to another level. This shows that bullying can lead into something else more worst. This could have been avoided if she had told her parents or somebody close to her so they could solve the problem so they could help her.
The last reason that bullying is wrong and leads to bad things that it can cause low self esteem or someone doubting their self. For example, a girl that I know use to go to Ballou and she got bullied by some girls. It affected her a lot because she was not confident about herself and she felt some type of way with herself and she dropped out of school because she did not believe in herself. This shows that bullying can lead into low self esteem and not being confident in yourself. She could have avoided this of she asked someone to help her get back on her feet and go back to school to get a career.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand that you would want to fight or bully someone because they did something to you or because you want revenge or something like that but bullying is not the answer because its not worth it and if you bully someone because of something small it can lead into something else that was worst than before. I say that if you get bullied you should tell someone so they can help you and so they can solve the problem because if you don’t it can go in a different direction worst than it was at first.
To conclude, Bullying is wrong and leads to bad things and can affect people negatively. You should always tell someone if you are being bullied.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to wrote this piece was that it is a lot of bullying out here these days and people take bullying a whole different way than others. I hope people will read this and agree with my story and to tell other people to stop bullying.

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