Passion | Teen Ink


January 14, 2014
By meowcx BRONZE, Jacksonville, Illinois
meowcx BRONZE, Jacksonville, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is too important to be taken seriously." Oscar Wilde


Is it possible to love something that may not exist?
You can’t touch it, but it touches you.
Passion presses it’s lips against your soul, kissed.
It picks you up when the world screams, “Boo!”
The words the spew at you don’t have a chance,
When passions whispering in your ear.
No one looks okay when you take a closer glance.
They’re are no reasons to fear.
Everyone has something saving them.
Passion is love that gives you strength when you’re weak.
In the end, passion will turn you into a gem.
At that point, they’ll no longer be bleak.
Now inside is a burning fire,
It burns the brightest. It has finally been acquired.

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