Why that far? | Teen Ink

Why that far?

January 16, 2014
By Radha101 BRONZE, North Plainfield, New Jersey
Radha101 BRONZE, North Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Success is about creating benefit for all and enjoying the process. If you focus on this & adopt this definition, success is yours.”

-Kelly Kim

Why that far?

Bullying. There is an abundance I could say about bullying. My name is Elisa. I’m fifteen and five feet, two inches tall. I’m the one girl you can spot out in my entire school because I’m a brunette and everyone else are blonds. I’m the only one with brown eyes and everyone else has blue eyes. Just because I look different doesn’t mean everyone has the automatic right to bully me since the second grade. At least back in second grade, I had friends. Now I’m “the loner”.

Elisa Sacai had been bullied her entire life. She never understood why she had no friends. She thought to herself that since she’s smart, she’s bound to make friends, but no, she was wrong. Everyone in school would call her names like “big head” and “loner”. The beautiful, slim, sporty girl gets made fun of especially by Bridget. Bridget Whinde is a popular cheerleader. She’s the head of the “It” group. The It group was made up of snobby girls who like to make fun of other peoples’ imperfections and brag about their beauty. Elisa had been the main target ever since the second grade. Elisa never did anything to hurt them. She just wanted friends.

I’ve been betrayed, backstabbed, and lied to, teased, humiliated, and worst of all, hurt. I’ve been hurt so many times that no one could understand. When I was 9, I started to cut myself with scissors because no one would speak to me. My mom and dad took me to therapy for six months. My life would have been easier if I had a sibling. My problems clutter my head, scratching it up. If I had just one person, one, I’m not asking for much, to call friend, life would have been perfect. My parents are rarely home because they are on call nurses. Our house is colossal but so empty with feeling. I just wish that going to the hell hole tomorrow isn’t any worse than it already it.

Upon Elisa arriving to school, she already felt spitballs going down her neck. She could feel eyes of hatred glaring at her.

“Hey ugly, look over here!” a schoolmate shouted.

“Yeah big head! Did the rainbow throw up on you?” Bridget hollered while cackling with the It group.

“Leave me alone! Spare my soul for one day, just one day! Let me be in peace, can you guys do that?” Elisa retorted. She was fed up with them. She gained some hope from her parents and they were tearing it down again.

Elisa walked to her locker, and as usual, she noticed “slut” and “faggot” written with white ink in large, bold, vivid letters. She walked down to her homeroom. Sadly, Bridget is also in her homeroom. Elisa is messed with the entire day when Bridget and the It group are around. That’s why Elisa’s favorite day of the year is when the cheerleaders go to the nation championship competition.

After sixth period ended, Elisa went to lunch. On her way to lunch, a girl in the It group tripped Elisa. She hit her jaw so hard on the ground that is started bleeding. The blood was filling up inside her mouth and dripped out as she ran to the bathroom. The cold water sent a cooling sensation through her mouth. After she cleaned up, Elisa went to the school nurse for an ice pack. As she was exiting the door, she bumped into Ryan, the boy she is madly in love with since the second grade.

“Hey, I’ve been meaning to talk to you,” Ryan began.

Elisa looked around and noticed she was the only one in the hallway. Her cheeks flushed pink as she asked, “Who, me?”

“Yeah you, Elisa. I know I’ve never spoken to you before, but I know you’re alive. Your one of the smartest girls in this school. You’re also great at sports! I saw that layup against Bridget. You are way better than her in basketball!” Ryan stormed.

“Oh, thank you,” Elisa hesitantly replied. She wasn’t sure why Ryan Huges was speaking to her out of nowhere. It seemed fishy. Elisa was melting on the inside because Ryan complimented and praised her, but on the outside she just kept on a straight face.

“Anyways, I wanted to ask you if you want to be my date to the sophomore extravaganza, so do you. I know it’s out of the blue, but the dance is coming up soon and I think, I know you’re the perfect girl to go with,” Ryan announced.

“Well I’d love to go,” Elisa joyfully replied. That was the first time in years Elisa felt truly happy. She was beaming with glee. In lunch and for the rest of the day, Bridget and the It group were trying to pull Elisa’s smile off her face but it wouldn’t budge. She was as happy as someone who won the lottery. Her smile stretched across her entire face. That day she laughed like she would never laugh again. She smiled like she would never smile again. She was the Cheshire cat.

I couldn’t believe it! Ryan Huges asked me to the sophomore dance! It’s the largest event of the year. I’m going with Ryan Huges, the most popular jock in the tenth grade! Everyone, now including me is going! Even teachers and faculty will be there. I have to look perfect! I can’t wait to tell mom that we have to go dress and shore shopping!

Elisa ran home! Bang! Bang! The door instantly flew open with her mom startled!

“Elisa sweetie, why did you bang the door so hard? Is something wrong? Are you okay? Please tell me you weren’t chased home by Bridget and her gang!” Elisa’s mom stressed.

“Mom, we are going dress shopping! Guess who got a date to the sophomore extravaganza dance? Me! Mom, I did!” Elisa cheered, jumping up and down.

“Oh my goodness! Honey that’s wonderful! Who asked you?” Elisa’s mom requested while shedding tears of joy! She was the happiest mother in the world at that point in time. No words could explain her happiness and joy because her daughter was finally happy after all these year seeing her in misery.

“Mama, its Ryan Huges. I know he isn’t you favorite boy but I think he really likes me!” Elisa exclaimed. “This is the first time any boy has ever asked me out to anything. It’s a huge deal, mama,” Elisa voiced.

“Look baby girl, your my only child and ever will be. I care for your happiness so much that I would never finish explaining it. My love is endless for you. After all that you have been through, I don’t want any more pain or sorrow in your heart. I never want to see another sad tear roll down your gorgeous, flawless sink. I’m just worried that Ryan might hurt you, but I know how much this means to you. Baby girl, please just be careful. If you think something is wrong, call mama, okay?” Elisa’s mom let out.

“Oh mama, thank you! I love you so much! Let’s go dress and shoe shopping now!” Elisa cried.

Elisa and her mother went shopping. She picked the perfect dress that would match Ryan’s suit and tie. Her new heels were dazzling and would look great under the spotlight. Elisa couldn’t wait for two weeks to fly by. The only thing on her mind from the night of shopping until the day of the dance was finally being loved and being happy. She thought to herself that she would finally move up in rank from not existing to a somebody.

It’s the day of the dance! I’m so excited to show people that I’m not a loner and I’m just like them. My dress hugs my body at the top and the chiffon flows out at the bottom. The baby pink dress color and makeup makes my skin pop. The silver heels and jewelry put everything together.

Ring! Ring! Ring! The door was open by Elisa’s dad. He greeted and quietly interrogated Ryan so that he wouldn’t dare hurt his daughter. Ryan looked handsome and quite dapper. As Elisa walked down the stairs, everyone jaw dropped. She looked like a show stopper.

“Wow, Elisa. You look stunning,” Ryan told Elisa. His eyes opened up wide but Elisa could see the nervousness in them.

“Mom, dad, do I have you approval to leave for the dance?” Elisa innocently asked.

“Sweetie go right ahead. Have fun kids!” Elisa’s mother gleefully spoke.

“Bring her home on time and be safe!” Elisa’s dad added.

Elisa thought that her night would be a fairytale come true. After all the pain, sorrow, and depression she went through because of bullying, this would be it. It would be the night that changed her life.

As the couple reached the venue of the sophomore extravaganza and got out of the shiny Mercedes Benz, faces were shocked. Elisa got nervous but was still smiling, excited for what the night had in store! Ryan had a grin on his face, but something was behind it.

The teenagers held hands, their palms slowly getting sweaty. Everyone had their eyes on them as they walked to the middle of the dance floor, getting ready to slow dance. Elisa couldn’t explain what she was feeling at the time. Ryan Huges and Elisa Sacai were slow dancing where the spotlight hit. All the other couples danced around them. Teachers and faculty were amazed at the “it” couple, glaring at them with awe. Elisa didn’t care that Bridget was drawing negative attention to her. Elisa just wanted to enjoy her night.

I can’t believe I’m slow dancing with Ryan! My dream of love came true! At least someone noticed I’m a human being! The better part is he’s my one and only crush. It’s been so long since I was not bullied around by my classmates. Hopefully the rest of the night is like this.

It was time to call up sophomore extravaganza king and queen. Everyone cheered and clapped as Ryan’s name was called for king. Bridget gave Elisa a dirty look that made her feel insecure. Bridget was one hundred percent sure she’d be queen. Finally the moment arrived after a short pause were the queen was announced. The speaker slowly and quietly said Elisa Sacai, with all the excitement disappearing from her voice. Elisa was shocked. With her face beaming, she went up to the stage. The crowd clapped reluctantly. Bridget with rage, stomped up to the stage.

“Is this the real deal? Elisa Sacai was chosen instead of me! What kind of sick joke is this! I guess sometimes people choose the beast over beauty,” Bridget criticized.

Elisa could feel a tear drop roll down her cheek. Her body had started to shake. The tiara that was on her head fell down. As she bent down, Ryan pulled the pink lace of the bow on the back of Elisa’s dress which kept it tight and fitted. Slowly, but with sudden drop, Elisa’s dress fell to the ground. Elisa’s cheeks turned black because mascara was rolling down her cheeks. Shame. Embarrassment. She heard the immense laughter that came out of everyone. The world stopped and all she saw were phone flashes. Pictures and videos. In the next few minutes, the entire world would be able to see Elisa in just her underwear. Bullies. Why that far? Elisa couldn’t handle life anymore. Just when she thought her life was improving, it was the worse it could ever be. All the years of bullying led up to this event. Elisa’s life was a joke. No one liked her. What did she do to deserve this? Nothing. She didn’t belong in this world, at least that’s what she thought. Life for her wasn’t worth living anymore.

Elisa ran home. By the time she broke the front door open, she had a piece of glass partially stuck inside her foot and had a broken finger. Her parents ran to her, asking her what happened. Before they could catch up, Elisa locked her room door and pushed her bookshelf against it.

“Baby girl, what happened? Honey please talk to us. Please Elisa come out. Please!” Elisa’s parents were shouting and crying.

Elisa took a slip of paper and wrote,
Dear Mom and Dad,

My life was a living hell. It wasn’t worth living. I want you to two to know it wasn’t your fault. I love you to, forever and always. I was bullied severely. I’m sorry. Just please tell the kids who bullied me the consequences of their actions. That way they will never even think to hurt an innocent soul again. Once again, I love you guys. I’m in a better place now.

Love, Elisa

Elisa taped the letter onto her bookshelf. Then, Elisa took out the rope from underneath her bed and her computer chair. Elisa tied the rope around her neck and to the ceiling fan. Elisa got up on the chair. She could still hear her parents begging her to come out of her room. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

“I love you mama and papa!” Elisa shouted. In her head, she thought to God, please send me to heaven, where the angels fly. Suddenly, Elisa pushed the chair away the chair as she took the fall to her death.

The author's comments:
Bullying inspired me to write this piece. As a person, I'm a cheerful, happy-go-lucky young lady. Bullying hasn't affected me in my life that much, but some people's life constantly revolve around it. I wanted to write a different piece than I normally would. Bullying prevention is a large thing to me, I can't stand to watch someone get bullied, so I always help whenever I can. I tried to make this story as non-fiction as possible. Hopefully, the message people take out of this is not to bully. I hope they can all understand what it can do to a person internally.

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