Behind the Screen | Teen Ink

Behind the Screen

January 22, 2014
By Anonymous

The main problem today being a teenager in high school, is the fear of being the outcast. Being bullied and harassed is never a good feeling, and for some kids this is the main root of their stress. As if school isn't stressful enough, the kids who walk down the same hallways as us may not be as personable as they seem. Kids my age tend to be deceiving, or as most of us call it nowadays, "fake". This makes us second guess who we're friends with and who we talk to, all the time. From personal experience, I'm always on edge to see when someone will decide to stab me in the back. Most of the bullying has taken place online, either through phone or computer. From what I've witnessed, there are people who feel like they have more power over another person by putting them down over social media as well as a large audience to get arouse out of others. For example, you can easily harass someone on twitter by making fun of them and then tagging them in a tweet. This is then seen by your hundreds of followers, resulting in an uproar of harassment towards your target. This type of bullying happens everyday, especially in my local community. As much as technology has helped us as a generation, in my opinion I feel that kids need to start to learn that there is a time and place for everything, and you should never expose a peer over social media to the point where they are afraid to go to school.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because of a close friend's younger sister who has recently been coming home from school everyday crying due to the bullies in her grade.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 3 2014 at 6:44 pm
Silent_Angel BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To think while writing is folly, the mind is too clouded with idiots! When these words were written, they were with my heart, not my mind." Author, me.

An interesting sum-up, but what can you do about it?