"Away From it All." | Teen Ink

"Away From it All."

February 17, 2014
By Anonymous

My name is Me.
I am a person no one can see.
I was ignored and cursed.
About to get worse.
My life started as a blur.
People shouting words,
That only I heard.
Beaten till black,
My heart had turned.
Which was now proved a fact.
I woke up next morning,
Couldn`t hear.
My eyes were wide,
Hands trembling in fear.
I clutched my heart,
The once pounding feeling in my chest was gone.
Then I realized what was going on.
My heart,
My ability to hear,
It was all just a memory,
That I held dear.
A memory that happened long ago.
Now I had nothing.
No blood that flowed.
I am Me.
My new name.
The one I had,
No longer remained.
I am here.
Away from it all.
Looking down them,
As I watch them fall.

The author's comments:
"Me" is someone who had lived a painfull life.
"Me" decided to let go,
And was "Away From it All."
Though no one should resort to such a dreadful task people now call: A "solution."
I wouldnt exactly side with the ones who think suicidal a "Solution" for it wouldnt solve anything. I believe that we have the ability to do better.
The past is in the past.
We can create a new future.
It may not happen right away, for that is reality.
But it will gradually get better until it is fully healed.
Have faith.

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