the finite life | Teen Ink

the finite life

March 22, 2014
By Anonymous

This is not a tirade; this is a plea. Stop discrimination, stop injustice, stop the degradation of humanity. Discontinue inciting and instigating the breaking of self esteem. Wake yourselves up from this reverie that everyone who smiles is fine. Consider this call to lucidity, keep human nature human. Discard the carnivorous and bestial way you treat one another. Do not be another encumbrance to the human race. When you hear a cry or lament, help. If you see someone crying at their locker, ask them what’s wrong. Get rid of the apathetic way we look at one another. When did we stop caring about one another? When did this generation become so liable to suicide and self-harm? The indifference we deal one another causes me to grimace. I beseech you; sadness is imperceptible to the naked eye. Dig deeper into the plaintive words we so often speak to one another. Transform the world, do not let it transform you.

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