3.2 Million | Teen Ink

3.2 Million

March 25, 2014
By Boltman2117 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Boltman2117 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever witnessed bullying? Did you know that 3.2 million kids get bullied every year by other kids and adults? According to dosomething.org, 75% of school shootings are linked to bullying and harassment. Sadly, every kid witnesses bullying sometime in their life, so this needs to stop.

Bullying can lead to suicide in all ages. Once, there was girl named Megan Meier. In 2006 she hanged herself at the age of 13. Sadly, that was 3 weeks before her 14th birthday. She did this because she was getting harassing emails from one of her friend’s mom on MySpace. The mom created a fake MySpace account to send these emails. The mom was accused of the crime, but was found not guilty. According to Yale University, bully victims are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide. A study in Britain found that about ½ of suicides are linked to bullying and girls 10 to 14 year old are at a higher risk of suicide.

Bullying in school is terrible as well. Seventy-One percent of kids report incidents of bullying an issue in school. Parents are letting their kids change their appearance to make them look better or fix some body part like a nose. This happened to a girl named Samantha Shaw. Her parents let her get her ears pinned back in first grade. Gay teens are even more likely to get bullied. They are also 80% more likely to not tell an adult that they are getting bullied than heterosexual teens.

This is a big problem. Kids are scared to go to school. I think we can fix this problem by having teachers more involved in school halls and in the lunch room. We could take actions like, lunch in a classroom with your favorite teachers and with your friends. Kids need to stand up for the person being bullied. They can invite the kid being bullied to sit with them at lunch or go and sit by them. Everyone needs a friend, and everyone deserves a chance.
Three million approximately. I hope that means something to you now. Kids are committing suicide and getting bullied on things they can not help. People need to help the people getting bullied. One in four teachers see no problem with bullying and 90% of kids 4th through 8th report being bullied. This needs to change now. Let's all team up to stop bullying today.

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