Stand Up For What's Right | Teen Ink

Stand Up For What's Right

October 22, 2014
By 5gagan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5gagan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was a freshman in high school, that was the worst year of my life. I have never been so hurt in my life.
It all started when me and my group of friends went to high school. There was six girls who were so close and didn’t have any friends outside of our “group” except for me.
When I was in eighth grade I had friends other than the six girls and they got jealous and would make fun of them.
In freshman year, I got my first boyfriend and I knew that my friends wouldn’t approve. They all got jealous because none of them ever had a boyfriend before, they all thought that I would hang out with him and just ignore my friends.
Ever since I started dating him, I distanced myself from my friends. I fell so in love with him I never not wanted to be by him. My friends ended up hating me towards the end of freshman year. They didn’t show me they hated me but I could feel it. They still acted like my best friends. They would comment on my pictures on Facebook calling me horrible names. I told them off and I told them that I don’t want to be friends with them, but yet they still kept calling me names. I couldn’t take it anymore. I started to hurt myself and my boyfriend ended up leaving me during all of this. My parents didn’t notice how hurt I was.
During all of this, someone wrote me up in the bathroom stalls calling me horrible names. I walked in the stall and saw everything. I started balling my eyes out so hard. I called my mom she came and got me.
That was the worst day of my life. I couldn’t believe someone could do that to me. I automatically thought it was my old friends, but it wasn’t. I know that it wasn’t them because at that time they weren’t that mean, they would say things over social media but nothing like this. They knew I would’ve hurt them bad. Still to this day I still don’t know who did that. Ever since this experience, I have changed so much. I don’t tell my friends what happens in my life because I feel like I’m going to get judged. I usually only tell my best friend Autumn who has been there for me since I was in 6th grade. She helps me with anything because she was there with me through everything.
This experience has made me change the way I look at friends. It has made me a stronger, better, and makes me thinks twice who I should trust. Because of what happened, there has been both a positive and a negative effect on me. The positive is that it made me a better person, made me look at people differently, and made me think about who I should trust. The negative is depression, hurting myself, and not trusting my closest friends to this day. For future teenagers and if you ever get bullied how I did, either social media, or at school. I have some great advice for you. Stick up for yourself, don’t ever let your guard down because when you do they never leave you alone. They keep bullying you because they see that your getting hurt by it, thats the game of bullying. If you ever get bullied tell someone. Anyone, anyone can help you. It might be the best decision of your life. Don’t ever let someone hurt you it’s not worth your time, not worth your tears, or your broken heart.

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