Imagine | Teen Ink


October 22, 2014
By Courtneyellen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Courtneyellen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine if bullying was no longer a thing. Imagine if we based our happiness not on our own self worth, but on building confidence in those around us. Imagine if instead of focusing on making ourselves better than everyone else, we focused on making everyone the best they can be. Only you know the life you have lived, the struggles you have faced, and the greatness you have contributed. I think it’s time we turn society into an army of happiness and make the world an all around better place.

Imagine being the kid in class who doesn’t have a family, who never knows if there will be a meal at night, and struggles to get more than a few hours of sleep a night. Imagine that same kid though contributes to discussion, makes an effort to talk to others, and never seems to be in a bad mood. No one has an idea of their life out of school, and no one takes time to talk to them. This person defines courage, a characteristic too many lack.  

Imagine being born into a wealthy family and always getting whatever you desire. Imagine wearing the newest trends and having the best brands. Imagine coming home to a wonderful family everyday and on the outside seeming to have a perfect life. Little do people know, your dad was diagnosed with cancer in the past year. Imagine being the kid in class who others assume is, “too good for everyone else.” But in reality, imagine struggling to focus and afraid to lose your best friend.

Imagine never having a real friend. Imagine always being the last picked, never being able to find a partner, and always feeling like everyone’s last choice. Imagine being the kid at lunch who is at the end of the table and no one really notices. Imagine that same kid is the valedictorian and has ideas that could change the world. Imagine if one person would take a minute to talk to them they would be in shock at the knowledge and kind heart they possess.

Imagine seeing an empty desk in class one day, not thinking much of it. A week goes by and it’s still unoccupied. Then during class a teacher you haven’t seen much walks in with a slip of paper. That kid whose desk was empty took their life, they ended the most beautiful thing on earth, life itself. And you and everyone knows they were never given a chance or accepted.     

Luckily, these are merely imaginations. It isn’t too late to talk to the kid next you that you’ve always ignored. It isn’t too late to share one of your wonderful ideas. Imagine if we all came together as one community. Instead of being an army of rejects, let’s be an army of acceptance. And who knows, maybe you will save a life.

The army of acceptance is now recruiting, are you interested? 

The author's comments:

This is piece is to remind everyone that we are all different but very similar at the same time. 

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This article has 1 comment.

Bree0 BRONZE said...
on Oct. 27 2014 at 1:47 pm
Bree0 BRONZE, Bradford, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the change you want to see in the world -Sara tenkredi

Most people dont understand that sometime the things that make us diffrent are the things that bring us together as on. Our diffrences is the in between lines. On one side we have hate, and on the other we have love. But in the middle we have the people who cant find thier way to the other side.