Bully in the halls | Teen Ink

Bully in the halls

October 27, 2014
By LoganK10 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
LoganK10 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bully in the Halls

The monster walks the halls as children hustle to class.
Children don’t want to be caught alone or you will face his wrath.
He wanders the school, looking for some victims.
He has nothing else to do and no one else to be with.


No one knows why he bullies except for him.
And if you ask him, he'll come at you swinging every limb.
All it takes is someone to stand up to him and then he’s done.
You could be that person, all it takes is one.


If you want the bully to go away.
Then he has to hear what you have to say.
Tell him no one likes what he's done.
And if he doesn’t stop then a teacher will end his fun.


If you stop him, you could be a hero.
And the people he hurts would be zero.
Just think about what I have to tell you.
It could help you and those around you.


You could make school a place that is fun.
Not a place where someone wants to bring a gun.
Stop the person from bringing a knife.
And you could save a life.

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