Bullying to me | Teen Ink

Bullying to me

October 27, 2014
By Jeremy24 GOLD, Peewaukee, Wisconsin
Jeremy24 GOLD, Peewaukee, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fat, ugly, stupid, useless, dumb, and unwanted are just some of the words I think of when someone says bullying. What causes us to do this? Why do we go as far as to try and make someone else feel bad? Does it make us feel better about are self? How does the person being bullied raise up above the pain and continue living their lives?
Bullying has went too far! It hasn't affected me personally, but it has affected my friend to the point he thought it would be better to be dead than to have to suffer under all the pain.   He has gone as far as driving the him insane and trying to kill himself.
I could with see the sadness and darkness in his eyes.  I tried to help him, but there is only so much you can do before its too late; and before you know they pick up the knife or fill up the bath and put their foot in hoping they can end it all. He felt like the only way to feel better was not to feel anything anymore. 
I can say I have seen bullying go as far as to take one of my friends life away from me. But to take a child away from their parents and family that love them so much is a different kind of pain it stays with them stuck in there hearts, as they think  of all the thing they wish they could of done with them: going on walks, going up north, driving them to school, but know will not get the chances because they are gone for ever.
To see the tears running down their faces and the dark shadow that goes over them is like a cloud on a rainy day. This is is a different kind of pain, and it will never goes away. How am I supposed to move past this?How are the parents, and other friends of this boy supposed to move past this? How are we supposed to raise up and do something good when we feel so sad? But we can raise up. We can take these experiences that we have learned, and help others so they don't feel like dying would be better than living.
Bullying is leading to more than we expect and even if it is not happening to you it may be happening to someone that you know or love. So if you see it or hear about this happening raise up and and do something about it. because in the end it maybe your kind word or lending someone a hand that saves their life.

The author's comments:

This is true, and it came from my hart 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 14 2014 at 2:43 pm
Sev_Wymer BRONZE, Vero Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 8 comments
This is true it happens to me but i have learn that their is only a handfull of people wo trult care. Keep writting I loved this a lot.