Bullying: It's Not a Fashion Statement | Teen Ink

Bullying: It's Not a Fashion Statement

October 29, 2014
By Carrington Tyson BRONZE, Sanford, North Carolina
Carrington Tyson BRONZE, Sanford, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    Looking around at lunch and you see this one kid sitting alone. You’ve seen him before sitting by himself except today he looks different. You mention it to your friends and they just laughed making jokes on how he probably just misses his mommy. Since you didn’t want to be “odd” one so you laughed as well. He was still on your mind though. About halfway through lunch you turned around looking at him except this time you noticed his black eye. You get up and started walking to him. He notices you and waves but then out of nowhere the “cool” guy sees him waving. He shouts “Dont mess with him. He’s nothing but a little boy.”. I could see the guy get upset and next thing i know he’s running out of the lunch room. I follows him to the “courtyard” and he finally stopped running. It was then that I found out his name was John and he had been bullied since 4th grade. He’s also have been skipping school because he just couldn't take it anymore.

    Yes that short story was fictional but bullying isn’t. With this age in time bullying is everywhere. Rather it’s at school in the hallways or at home on the internet. It’s everywhere you go! You could get 100 complements but even hearing someone say one negative thing about you can hurt so much. Teachers, principals, and sometimes even your parents can rant on and on about bullying, but let’s all be honest who listens to grown ups? Will you listen to a teen like me though? If you haven’t paid attention to anything at least pay attention to this. Think about your actions before you do anything. Even if it’s not physical words can hurt. Bullying isn’t a fashion statement. It’s very cruel. So next time you see someone getting pushed, talked about, or just sitting alone go say “Hey thats not cool.” or “Do you mind if I sit here?” and if your friends are against it or they talk about you behind your back for doing it then they’re probably not your real friends. You might just be saving someone from dropping out of school or even suicide and plus they might even become your new best friend.

The author's comments:

Bullying effects many people and the fact that it makes peopel feel so bad about them self make me want to do something to change it. I hope people who read this get the same feeling.

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on Nov. 10 2014 at 11:01 am
AlliNeedisMusic SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Bullying is one of the biggest problems today,  right up there with drug and alcahol abbuse. People don't understand that it hurts so bad, especially when you go through it every day of your life. No one has time to sit there and  feel like crap just because someone else thinks it is funny.NEWSFLASH: IT ISN'T FUNNY!