Bye-Bye Bullies | Teen Ink

Bye-Bye Bullies

December 22, 2014
By Anonymous

Society faces many issues today. One of the largest problems being faced is bullying. Bullying affects everyone, not just the person being bullied. Bullying has an effect on the victim’s family, friends, and in some cases, teachers. Bullying has many aspects, from physically hurting someone to just saying something mean.


You may not realize it, but bullying is everywhere, all the time. It can be found in schools, at workplaces, and even just hanging around the community.

People don’t just wake up one morning and decide to be a bully. Studies show that bullies tend to be the way they are because either they were bullied themselves at one point or they have a bad home life. Other studies show that people become a bully because they don’t know how to better express their emotions.

Bullying needs to be stopped. Schools are cracking down on bullying, but it doesn’t seem to be enough. “Bullying should end so it stops the suffering of others.” said Jericho, an 8th grade student. “If bullying stops, I bet you the death ratio would drop down by a lot.” Students aren’t the only ones who want bullying to stop. “I definitely think it should be stopped.” said Nancy Walter, a mom and teacher aide. “I think it’s getting out of control and I believe social media is a huge factor in bullying.” She also added, “In my opinion, it’s easier to bully somebody else over social media than face-to-face. It’s more widespread.”

Many agree that bullying is a worldwide problem It’s time to say “Bye-bye” to bullying. The end to bullying starts with you.

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