It Is Not Easy Being Equal | Teen Ink

It Is Not Easy Being Equal

January 27, 2015
By Alyssa_G GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Alyssa_G GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
13 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Do you know what it is like getting picked on, or being targeted by a bully? Well it’s hard, forcing yourself to wake up and go to school every day knowing that the bullying is just going to get worse. From experience, I know what it’s like and so do the 160,000 kids that skip school every day because they are scared that they are going to get bullied. According to the U.S. department of justice out of these 160,000 kids only one out of five people will get the help they need. I want you to feel bad for them because if someone does there is a slight chance something will change. If the whole world is against bullying why is it still controlling so many people’s lives?

My life was once controlled by a bully, or shall I say bullies. There was a bully in every school I went to, and it got harder every time I was the new kid. I had to push myself to talk to people, which was very difficult . All the other kids were scared of me because they assumed I was going to disrupt their friends,and they were right, I did disrupt them. But I didn’t do it on purpose all I was trying to do was fit in. The hardest part for me was finding the a friend who would help me fit in. Once I fit in if I did at all I was picked on, for not wearing the same clothes as they did, being too short, being dumber than them, being bad at sports, and anything else they could think of. So I tried to give them less chances to pick on me; by changing  my wardrobe and doing what I could  to fit in. I also caught up with them in schoolwork and began to advance, but then they started making fun of me for being too smart . After that, all I can say is if they don’t like me for who I am they don’t need to be in my life because nobody is perfect not even the bully.

Don’t feel bad for me, feel bad for all of the other kids that are still being bullied. The people who are still being watched by all of the bystanders. A bystander stands by physically or verbally but doesn’t say anything. A lot of people including me have seen a bullying action, but I was afraid to say anything. I have asked myself why did i never have speak up, and I realized that I was afraid of being bullied again. But if you think about it, telling someone is going to stop the bully. All you really have to do is get someone's attention, a teacher, an adult, or even a friend. which is another reason why people don’t tell, is that they don’t think adults can help. By reading this and doing something about it will make the difference needed for both the bully and the victims. According to the Do Something Organization, the bully is letting out anger from when he or she was bullied; sno another way to stop bulling is to become the bullies friend. Which could help everybody through a rough patch.

Being bullied sometimes hurts physically but always hurts emotionally. So before you start rumors or laugh at someone. Rethink because you may not know it is hurting them but it is. Just by stopping that one action could help stop the trend of bullying. By saying something and not being a bystander could make a bigger change than we all think. I have taken a stand and stood up to my bullies. I have also made a pact that if I ever see someone being bullied that I would tell someone, I believe that you should do the same. So now that I have told you something’s about bullying. You can take action of your life and never let a bully control you ever again.

The author's comments:

Bullying needs to be stopped, i am sick of it.

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This article has 4 comments.

Alyssa_G GOLD said...
on Feb. 17 2015 at 7:25 pm
Alyssa_G GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
13 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Thank you a lot. I have learned that not listing is a good choice. Thanks again

on Feb. 17 2015 at 1:56 pm
bandgeek23 GOLD, Corry, Pennsylvania
10 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
A true friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else!

No one deserves to be bullied! Everyone is different in their own way. If people don't like you for who you are or they make fun of you, don't listen to them.

Alyssa_G GOLD said...
on Feb. 1 2015 at 8:07 pm
Alyssa_G GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
13 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Thank you very much

Page said...
on Feb. 1 2015 at 8:05 pm
This is a very insightful essay! Good work!