Cyberbullying | Teen Ink


March 6, 2015
By Anonymous

 Cyberbullying is a terrible thing to do to someone that did nothing wrong.You can always call for help, we are here to help you not judge you. Bullies need to stop because, people have enough problems of their own, how would you feel if it were you, you can help prevent it.

To begin with, people have enough problems of their own. To clarify, people have enough on their plates already we don’t need bullies too. For instance, like studying for an exam thats coming up we need to focus on that. A friend of mine said her friend could not concentrate because she was being cyberbullied. Is cyberbullying wrong for people to do? If so then why do people or maybe you still hurt others? I realize you, may think it’s fun or funny, but it’s just plain cruel and heartless to do to someone that did no wrong to you.

In addition, how would you feel if it were you. By this I mean, people usually only bully because they were bullied themselves. For example, since  you been through it why have others go through it as well. A teacher saw someone crying in the hall she asked what’s wrong then found out later she was being cyberbullied and felt horrible for her. Would you feel awful for this person to or if it’s your friend? Although you feel, like bursting out laughing, think of the people you’re hurting do you really want to be the bad guy.

Most importantly, you can help prevent it. In other words, you can stop it, by helping that victim. An example of, would be if it were you, you would want someone to help you. A friend of mine said her friend was relieved it was over and insisted to help out anyone who is being cyberbullied. Would you do the same and help or just sit there like an old couch potato? I realize you, may feel its difficult to do, however its not that hard to help out.

Cyberbullying is, indeed a horrible crime to commit. Can you image you being harassed by someone that you don’t know, or worse someone that you do know and care about. It could be your best friend you never know who or someone you never expect. If you have the chase will you stop it, or will you run away? 

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