I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

March 13, 2015
By SelflesslyAlone BRONZE, Batavia, Illinois
SelflesslyAlone BRONZE, Batavia, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."
Mark Twain

Have you ever thought about the cruelty of the human race? How cruel we are, not only to the world, but to one another. I believe our insecurities are the most harmful to us and those around us.

I remember at one point in my life I became a bully. I was a bully to my friends or anyone that looked like an easy target. I never wanted to become a bully, and I am not sure if anyone truly enjoys bullying others, but I know I have hated this part of my life for as long as I can remember. I would constantly pick on those who were down and I never saw myself as the bully. Never did I once look at myself in the mirror and say I am a bully. I always thought of myself of being bullied. The weak kid everyone picked on, the easy target. Never did it once occur to me that I was doing the bullying. This went on for about a year. Until one day it was brought to my attention through a kid in my third hour gym class. I remember this day so clearly. We had just beaten this scrawny boy in pickleball. I began to pick on him and I don’t even remember why or what I was saying to antagonize him. Then he finally burst, “I know exactly what you are Chris, you’re just a bully!” It shocked me. I had never considered it before, that I could be the one causing pain to others. I went home that night and had one of the worst nights of my life. Because I was no longer the one in pain. I was the one causing the pain to others. I was willing to put my selfishness before someone elses simple need of happiness. I went back to school the next day, refusing to talk to anyone or participate in school. Isolating myself, so that I would not hurt anyone else. I have been doing this for years. Until it finally occurred to me that the reason I became a bully was from all of my own insecurities about myself. I went to school on that day and studied those around me. I soon found this rule did not only apply to me but to everyone else around me. I saw that our insecurities makes us into monsters. So I changed the way I acted towards others. I soon became a target once again, but this time I reacted much different. I no longer got defensive over the insults thrown upon me. I only let down my guard more and more and let them in. The harder they hit the more I saw what the other was going through. I saw more through others harm towards me than I ever thought I could see.

This last year of my life I have felt better as a person through the number of people that I have helped. All because I believe that our insecurities are the monsters that destroy us and those around us the most.

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