GSDA Puts an End to Bullying | Teen Ink

GSDA Puts an End to Bullying

March 25, 2015
By Anonymous

Growing up Hispanic in a predominantly all white area, raised by two mothers, I know what it’s like to be picked on and belittled. Everytime I walked through the crowded hallways, I heard whispers and felt stares. My peers stared at my skin color and murmured, “She’s the one with two moms!?” I felt the pain others felt when they were bullied--the feeling of being different, a loser, and weird. When I came to high school, things got easier--but not much.

Throughout middle school and high school, I witnessed bullying. “He’s such a fag,” “That’s so gay,” “What a queer” kids hissed. Hearing these comments made me cringe and question why are others so unaccepting? I wish I could change peoples’ minds--like a superhero. However, there is one group who is a superhero at my school.

My school has a Gay Straight Diverse Alliance (GSDA) club. The mission of the club is to promote education and diversity within the student body. According to the Arrowhead webpage, “The club is for anyone who considers themselves diverse.”

GSDA brings together students from different backgrounds, beliefs, and adversities. The eclectic group of students supports and accepts one another--embracing the goal everyone should have.

A main reason people are closed minded and disapproving of others is because they don’t understand. They don’t understand it is okay to accept people of different races, sexualities, and self expressions. GSDA strives to provide awareness and respect everyone. Having this club provides education to those who don’t understand what the group is and are close minded.

GSDA stands for much more than Gay Straight Diverse Alliance. It stands for youth empowerment, individuality, and family. GSDA is expanding and more students are aware of the group’s actions. As GSDA provides awareness to the student population and staff, respect of diversity will spread across our school and the community itself.

Growing up diverse in a predominantly all white area I am proud my high school can make a path for others. GSDA has helped my bullying come to an end. I no longer feel different, a loser, or weird.

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