Bullying | Teen Ink


March 24, 2015
By ValerieH SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
ValerieH SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

First semester, I was eating lunch in the cafeteria. I’m a senior, and during my school career, I never saw bullying happen. I don’t get picked on, so I figured everyone was nice to each other.

But midway through lunch, a stir occurred tables away that captured my attention. I looked up and saw a classic high school bully scene. The tall, lengthy bully dumped milk on a short, baby-faced boy.

I felt my body heat up—there was no way was I about to allow a 90’s high school bullying video occur right before my eyes without saying something.

The bell rang, and I followed the bully to his next class. There he stood in front of his classmates—perfect.
I walked to the front of the class, looked up at him and asked, “Why’d you dump milk on that kid’s head?”
His response? “Because he called Americans fat and lazy!”

I laughed.
He said a fellow American shouldn’t put down his own people.
I said, “Take your own advice and don’t pour milk on your fellow classmate’s head.” I then followed that with a “grow up,” and walked out of the classroom to continue my day.

It’s second semester now, and although the bully does not give me eye contact in the hallways, it doesn’t bother me.

My high school cannot control bullying, but the students who make up the school can. If you want to see change, you must be the change. Speak up, and make a difference in someone’s life because you just might save it one day.

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