I'm Home | Teen Ink

I'm Home

March 24, 2015
By Yellick SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Yellick SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never let school get in the way of your education.

My schoolhas always been a school revered for it’s athletic achievements.  Signing up for football my freshman year was an impulsive decision because I felt I needed to fit in.  Never having been much of an athlete, I was mediocre at football just like any other sport I’d played. 

After long hours practicing in the sun, I felt chills from the cold comments of my experienced team mates.  I could hear the sympathy in their voice as if they were sugar-coating what they really had on their minds. I felt like a puddle people were either trying to avoid or jump on.

I stuck out the rest of the dreadful season and decided I wasn’t going out for football the next year.  I wasn’t an athlete.

My schoolhad always been known for its athletics, but with the masses of kids that attend the school, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone.  Arrowhead has so many different activities for such a large range of people, that it’s almost impossible not to find something you enjoy.

I learned I didn’t belong on the football field, instead my home was the art room.  I was comfortable there, and I had room to expand my mind and express myself.  I felt appreciated, and the same people who laughed at me had their jaws dropped in awe at what I could do with a pen.

Over the last four years, the opportunities and support provided by my school and its staff have helped me find where I truly belong.  I’m thankful that I’ve been raised in an environment as ambitious as this one.  Without the encouragement through this school I wouldn’t be where I’m at today--physically and mentally.  To all of you who have helped me through my struggle-- thank you, I’m home now.

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