Untitled | Teen Ink


March 25, 2015
By Anonymous

 look at his round face. There is consistently a smile there. He knows he’s different.  I sat in class day by day watching people make fun of him. They pretended to gag when they were near him and well lets
One day after class, I watched two older kids shove him back and forth in the classroom. Where the teacher was right outside. He tried pushing back in defense, but he was to weak. I left the classroom in silence. I couldn't just sit and watch anymore. It had to stop. This made me furious! I marched myself in the office and demanded to to talk to Mr. Wieczorek and officer Fryer came to listen with what I had to say. Anxiously waiting there office ladies handed me a bully report to fill out. My head was raging with thoughts and questions.
The boys ended getting an in school suspension and I never saw them bother this boy again. After knowing there was revenge something still didn't feel right and it was the thought was the boy being bullied alright? He didn't know I filed this report and a part of me didn't want to tell him. This still bothered me because I never really asked if he was okay. So, I did the next day. When I asked he had a giant smile on his face and said “ I will be alright Maddie, but it means a lot that you asked.”  After that I felt nothing but relief.

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