Teen Ink Interviews Andre Bellos for the 1st Time in 2 Years! | Teen Ink

Teen Ink Interviews Andre Bellos for the 1st Time in 2 Years!

June 17, 2015
By Anonymous

Teen Ink interviews Andre Bellos for the 1st time in 2 years!

We’ve known you for years Andre and your evolution has been remarkable, were glad to have you back!
Aww, Thank you Teen Ink
1. Let’s start right at the top! Back in February of this year you received the first award of your career. What was it for and who awarded it?
I was given my 1st award at a magazine release party for Chi grind magazine in which I had done at editorial for that same month. It was a total surprise!! I had no idea; late night radio talk show host Amethyst had planned it. I attended the event and was later put on the spot to accept and perform, what a moment! The award was for Up&Coming R&B Latino singer in Chicago 2015 on behalf of TruBiz T.V Thank you TruBiz!

2. Recently you attended the Verizon Live event in Indiana. How did you snag an invite?
I did attend and had an amazing time! I am modeling for Air Born clothing currently and the clothing line got an invite and I was lucky enough to be the model to go out there and represent for the line. Thank you Frankie!!

3. How has your life changed since becoming the face of Air Born Clothing Company?
Honestly, I am still the same person... I promised myself and my mother a long time ago that I would never change and I am really trying my best to live up to that as the years go on...I don’t know what else to say..

4. Your style is very unique, who dresses you?
Thank you, I am currently working with GSB Men’s couture fashion line and tech accessories. I am so excited to be involved with them because everything they are doing is so cutting edge. They are the future of fashion; we have a sweet announcement coming up for #TeamAndreB #ComingSoon

5. We saw you on the cover of Expression magazine, tell us about that?
It was an absolute honor to be on the cover of Expression as the 1st male ever! The modeling world is nothing new to me; I have been a part of it for years in my mind. (Laughs) Now I get to live out my dreams in real life, being on the cover of expression mag was one of those dreams coming true. Thank you Jerree!

6. Chiraq the movie has been making a lot of headlines lately, it is filming in Chicago and you are a part of it. What was it like working with Spike Lee, the film’s director?
Spike Lee is a legend, whether you love him or hate him you cannot deny the genius that man possess. He is very much so a perfectionist like I am so we got along great! (Laughs) It was a long day of grueling choreography but so worth it. I cannot wait for this film to debut not only will it change everyone’s opinions on the film but it will make history...

7. You have a very strong stance on cyber bullying, why is it so important to you?
Bullying period is important to me because growing up I was bullied by my peers for being different. It was an awful experience and lives with me forever. For the bully those feelings go away after some time, but for the bullied, they can never let go of that hurt.  I still struggle with those feeling to this day as an adult.

8. Tell us about the charities you are connected to?
I am affiliated with a few different charities that I really proud to be working in partnership with. One of them being www.StompOutBullying.org Please visit their web-site and take the pledge! I also work with United Way and help fund local projects in my hometown of Des Plaines, IL and Camp southern ground which is a summer camp for kids with special needs. These works are my greatest accomplishments. By far...

9. Where do you see yourself going career wise in the future?
It is hard to say where I will end up... When I first started off in this business it was all about the MUSIC. The past few years I have focused on my acting career and now it has really been about the modeling and print work I have been doing. I think at this point in my career it is about combining all of those things and building my brand.  I see myself creating my own world and my own empire in the future and helping others like myself do it as well. My biggest dream is of giving back...

The author's comments:

It is hard to believe pop singer Andre Bellos was the victim of bullying. Here he is telling his story... 

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