Pressure on Girls Today to Have the Perfect Body | Teen Ink

Pressure on Girls Today to Have the Perfect Body

March 10, 2016
By anaribeiro16 BRONZE, Brighton, Massachusetts
anaribeiro16 BRONZE, Brighton, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is there too much pressure on  females to have a “perfect body”?

There has long been disagreement about whether there is or not too much pressure on girls to have a perfect body. What do you think is there too much pressure on girls to have a “perfect body”? Some people think there is not too much pressure and that the teens are just being dramatic. Others think that is normal ,is just a phase of your life. I believe that is not just a phase and the magazines and the social media are affecting our live . I am writing to tell that there is too much on females to have a “perfect body”.

One reason I think that is the magazines are only showing the world skinny and tall girls, and when the girls are not “pretty enough”, they Photoshop her body. Why cannot people just accept they way they were born? And why magazines have to change the way we see females? A research show the average weight of a model is-23% lower than that of a normal woman. This means that the models workout every day, eat healthy food, for when they are in a magazine be called “not pretty enough” .”Some people with physical disabilities or differences may feel they are not seen for their true selves because of their bodies and because of what they can or cannot do. ”This means that people have to like for what is inside of us not for how they are and how they look. ”Feeling that way, it can help to talk to a parent, coach ,guidance counselor ,therapist ,or a friend. Someone who supports you and do not bring you down. ”This can be hard to handle alone, ask for help.

Another reason occurs at school ,when you are in middle school and high school, when you are creating your body image. Teenagers in America are forced to act and feel certain way. “Middle school is a rough time, bodies are changing, hormones are kicking in, and the struggle of fitting in is becoming prominent. ”This means that if you
are different from the others you won’t have much friends in school. Teenage girls are expected to have a “perfect body” .”Sometimes low self-esteem and body image is too much to handle alone”. Even though it seems easy it is not because we already have a lot of problems, like school ,homework ,jobs, etc; “Thin, but not curvy, tan, but not orange ,beautiful by make-up ,but not resembling  a clown.

Internet can be good sometimes, but it can be really bad too. Internet is a “place’’ with lots of “rules” ,and we forced to conform with these rules so you’re not judge by the rest of the world, and you are considered “perfect”. ”Our twee and early teens are  a time when we become more aware of celebrities and media images. ”And that can change the way we think about ourselves ,sometimes we forget that we are unique and we cannot change that. For us the celebrities that are in front of the cameras are perfect ,but they are not . ”Growing up we are told it is okay to be miserable as long as you do not show it because that makes you a wimp”. That what internet makes you do, not be yourself, you create fake friends with your fake accounts ,kids these days prefer to use phones, computers ,laptops, tablets and Ipad instead of going outside to play or do other things.  “The issue at hand is these pressures exist,and are apply to teenagers all over the world”.

Overall, there is too much pressure on girls. Society tells girls how to look and how to act. That’s not good at all.Girl’s shouldn’t be afraid to go to school for fear of being called fat or ugly. Girls should be confident because we all in our own way are beautiful. Even if it doesn’t feel like it, you are.Every girl just needs to find their own self joy and needs to accept that everyone has flaws that they can’t change. Even supermodels do. Everyone has their flaws, we just need to learn to accept them.

The author's comments:

I'm a seventh grader living in Boston, MA and what inspired me to write about this topic was that I'm a teenager and I look at the mirror sometimes and I do not like what I see because there is too much pressure on me to have a good body.I hope this article changeS the way you see yourself

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 12 2016 at 8:43 pm
Swim4Him24 SILVER, Clover, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9

There's an inspirational quote I absolutely love that really fits with your article! The quote is: If the guys expect all the girls to look like Victoria's Secret models right after a fashion show, then can we expect them to look like the male swim team right after the Olympics? :) It always makes me smile when I see that quote, because it's saying that looks don't mean everything. It also puts things into perspective for males about the pressure that they put on girls by expecting them to be pretty.