Cyberbullying | Teen Ink


March 9, 2016
By Anonymous

Why would kids want to do this, do they think that it makes them cool?  Cyber bullying is a big problem not just in America, but all around the country.   Most kids under the age of 18 have access to the internet.   Researchers stated that “7.5 million people on facebook are under 13 years of age”.  Giving all this freedom is not always the right way to go with things.  Kids can easily trick their parents by saying they aren't doing anything wrong. Forty Two percent of teenagers with technology  access report being cyberbullied over the past year.  Most kids who are doing the cyberbullying do not think anything is going to happen to them, or they just think it is a joke.


Cyber Bullying happens online so most schools can not do anything about it but some of the cases it carries on too school.  Having all that follow you around all day can cause havoc to your education.  Some laws have been past to try to prevent cyberbullying but it just keeps coming back. Out of all 50 states only 34 have laws against cyberbullying. All teachers can do something about regular bullying, but online they have no control.  On one article I was reading one kid said this “ I would rather be sent a not so kind message by a cyberbully than get punched in the face by a real bully”.  That says a lot about kids who do not care about cyberbullying.  Other kids say that they have the right to say whatever they want because of the First Amendment. Most kids think that once a message is sent it can always be erased, but 9 out of 10 time that is not the case.  Most kids think if they send something to their friend they would not do anything with it. But out of all the stories I have heard from cyberbully accounts, their friends are the ones that are doing it.  Most adolescents think that telling someone like a teacher, or a parent that makes them a tattletale, no just stand up for you self and others.  Do not let people walk all over you most people that do cyberbully just want to get a rise out of you.  Most of the parents will defend their kid because they do not know the full truth.  Most parents do not want to hear how bad their kid was picking on kids in school, but they will be more mad when they find out most of it was happening at home.

The author's comments:

Something about this peace is that is is suppose to get to all the people doing the bully and how to help people who are being bullyed or have been bullyed so just stand up for each other.  

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 31 2016 at 7:50 am
EmmalynB BRONZE, Wyoming, Michigan
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"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid." -Albert Einstein

This is great! I was cyberbullied last year. Such a shame that so many people think it's okay, that it's just a joke. I'm glad that there's someone out there who understands that it's not. Thank you.

on Mar. 17 2016 at 10:30 am
BGIRL4LIFE BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
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Awesome story keep up the good work.:)