Unpopular Opinion Cyber Bullying | Teen Ink

Unpopular Opinion Cyber Bullying

March 11, 2016
By ScobeeKid23 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
ScobeeKid23 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cyber bullying isn’t real. It’s literally is 0s and 1s and people who don’t know what delete account or block button is. Its and relatively new controversial topic. Yet it shouldn’t be. Cyber has to do with virtual. The definition of virtual - not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so. That almost completely describes cyber bullying. It’s not bullying because you can easily escape. But there 2 types of cyber bullying Someone saying you suck in your comments bad or posting your nudes bad. The most popular case being saying stuff about you in comments. But it doesn’t matter what someone says behind a keyboard in the moms basement. I don’t get this, people need to realize it doesn’t matter that bigrod35 said “your mom sucks”. If you getting supposed Cyber bullying go outside enjoy life instead of worrying about 0s and 1s. This doesn’t need to be fixed but ignored.

The author's comments:

It thought it neede to be saved.

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