The Broken Society | Teen Ink

The Broken Society

March 14, 2016
By Fleming BRONZE, Fleming, Georgia
Fleming BRONZE, Fleming, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why must people judge? Why can't we just leave people alone? Why can't we not say that mean comment? Why is there bullying in this world? Why is there depression in this world? Why is there suicide in this world? Why is there self-harm in this world? Easy answers. There are bullies in this world. There are "perfect" people in this world. There is hate in this world. There is the idea of perfect in this world. There is a broken society in this world. In our society today, we have an idea of perfect. We take that idea of perfect and we shove it down our teenagers throats. We tell them that if they aren't this perfect image, then they'll be an outcast, a nobody, a loner, a nerd, a geek, worthless, stupid, a waste of space, and that they just shouldn't be here in the first place. And teenagers believe that. They believe that they are those mean comments we tell them they are. They turn to self-harm, depression, anxiety, anorexia, bulimia, suicide. Happy at 9, sad by 11, depressed at 13, self-harming at 15, dead by 17. This is the world that we live in, and things need to change. People absolutely dread waking up in the morning because they don't wanna face the people who are gonna tell them lies and who are gonna put them down. They don't wanna go anywhere because of the fear of being judged.People even develop atelphobia, which is the fear of not being good enough. This is the world we live in and we need to fix it. We need to destroy this idea and image of perfect. There is nothing perfect in this world!!! People aren't perfect. Pictures aren't perfect. Models aren't perfect. Covergirls aren't perfect. The "it girl" that was in your history class is not perfect. We all have flaws, and instead of hiding those flaws we need to embrace our flaws. We need to say "Im not perfect and I'm happy i'm not perfect." We need to help those teenagers, kids, adults that are depressed, that are suicidal, that are self-harming. Instead of judging them for their flaws, instead of judging them for their scars, instead of judging them for their background. All they wan't is someone to care, and right now, they think that nobody will care unless their popular, or gorgeous, or dead! And this broken society needs to get fixed so we can mend all of their broken pieces back into place. Lets all fix this society, together, as one brain, as one whole, and as one heart

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