Cyberbullying | Teen Ink


April 6, 2016
By Anonymous

6 April 2016

  Have you ever been cyberbullied? If you were did you tell someone or ask for help? If you didn’t report it why not because no one cared or were you scared? If you were cyber bullied was it to get attention, or to get someone in trouble, or simply were you actually getting bullied? Some people do report that they were cyberbullied to get someone in trouble or to get attention; but most girls are really cyber bullied and people don’t help them because of the girls who report false accusations. Even with the girls that have false accusations, girls are still cyber bullied a lot because 6 out of 11 girls in my class have been cyber bullied. That's just in my classroom imagine how many more girls are out there with no help. Woman who have been cyber bullied have a bigger chances of committing suicide. Girls all over the world are getting cyberbullied. Is cyber bullying really happening because most the time girls are just trying to get other girls in trouble to make drama. This is an issue that has been hotly debated are girls getting cyberbullied that much or are they just making drama? Well woman get cyber bullied too much even if there ar those girls who report false accusations. I believe this is an important topic because girls can end up getting depressed and committing suicide, not many people try to stop the bullying, and it happens too much to girls around the world. We need to stop this because our population of teens and social media use are growing.

My first reason is that girls can end up getting depressed and committing suicide. From the article of Pros and Cons of Cyberbullying “An increasing number of young kids are falling into a depressive state, and sadly, committing suicide as a result from this cyber bullying.” Even though this is saying every kid in the world not just girls; about half the kids in the world are girls. Also for example in a year about 4,500 kids succeed in suicide(Pros and Cons of Cyberbullying). 4,500 kids is a lot if we keep losing this many kids soon there won’t be many kids left because the number will keep increasing as our population does; which means more families getting hurt. My last example is from the same site “Bullied kids are twice as likely to commit suicide than non-bullied kids(Pros and Cons of Cyberbullying).” So if kids that are bullied are twice as likely to kill themselves then why aren’t we helping them more.

My second reason is that no one is helping to stop this cyber bullying of girls. The most important example is  “When girl bullying occurs: 85% of the time no intervention, 11% peer intervention and 4% teacher intervention(Statistics, facts and development of female bullying).” So 85% of the time no one helps the girls with their bullying. If you were cyberbullied would you want some help?  My second example is 90% of teens ignore it when they see cyber bullying online(Pros and Cons of Cyberbullying). Almost 100% of teens ignore cyberbullying, so who is going to help these girls? If no one is helping them then why even ask for help? For example “About Forty-Two percent of girls have been bullied online, and of that one in four has been verbally attacked on multiple occasions(Statistics, facts and development of female bullying).” About half of the of the girls population have been cyber bullied that's a lot of people. How would you feel if you were that 42% of girls?

My last reason is that it happens too much to the girls around the world. For example “A girl is bullied every 7 minutes(Statistics, facts and development of female bullying).” There are 1440 minutes in a day, so every day about 205 times a girl is bullied. If we can reduce that number it will help those girls who need to be help. Also another example from Pros and Cons of Cyberbullying is of the 7.5 million kids under the age of 13 that use facebook, 1 out of 10 report cyberbullying. So 750,000 kids under that age of 13 that use facebook report being cyberbullied. From the same site 42% of teenagers that have social media have been cyberbullied. That is almost half of the teenagers that use social media, and if you look at the population of teenagers that use social media that's a lot of kids.

In conclusion girls are cyber bullied a lot, not just girls but any teens. We need to stop this by taking action and not ignore this crisis. Our world has been ignoring this since social media came out, but how are we going to fix this? You can help by if you see someone getting cyberbullied help them don’t ignore it. Parents can help by checking once in awhile their kids texts with other girls to see if they are the bully or if they are getting bullied. Schools can help by making sure girls are okay instead of just leaving them be. Also schools can help by taking their time to investigate what is going on, because most girls don’t tell people and if they do there is a pretty good chance it is the truth. In health class we talked about prevention of suicide, but I am not seeing much prevention with the girls who need it. If your the one getting bullied go tell someone instead of keeping it to yourself. Girls go through so much hurt when this happen they will most likely fall in depression. Instead of helping the bully take them down. If we can’t stop the bullying now how are we going to stop it in the future.

The author's comments:

I feel very strong about this topic. In my own school and on social media I see it. If you are reading this please help if you see someone getting cyberbullied.



n.w. “Pros and Cons of Cyber Bullying” Health Research funding Health Research Funding   March 16 2014 web.  April 6 2016
n.w.  Statistics, facts and development of female bullying mrs schlangen science Tangient LLC n.d. Web. April 6 2016

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