Don't Look Away | Teen Ink

Don't Look Away

December 3, 2022
By elsinore BRONZE, Poway, California
elsinore BRONZE, Poway, California
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Stars are like diamonds in the sky and wishes make them sparkle" -Evelyn Loeb

Dear Mr. President,

    Sometimes I pretend the climate crisis is just a horrible nightmare and, if I wake up, it will all be over. But it's not a nightmare; it's far worse: real life. I am a fifteen-year-old growing up on a planet where hope for a hospitable future is quickly crumbling. It's easy to look away and pretend it's a bad dream, but that is why climate change has become a crisis, because of world leaders who look the other way.
    I was not dreaming when, last year, I saw the news of an oil spill off the coast of Huntington Beach, California, very close to my hometown. According to CNN, 126,000 gallons of crude oil leaked into the ocean, destroying natural wildlife and ruining the beauty of our ocean. I was not dreaming when I watched the viral videos of starving polar bears searching for food in places void of ice. I was not dreaming as I witnessed the heatwaves and hurricanes that swept our nation, leaving death and destruction in their wake. I am not dreaming because no matter how many times I pinch myself, Mr. President, this nightmare will not end.
    I ask of you, "How has it gotten this bad?" It is no secret that the scientists have warned us for years about the consequences of our actions. Yes, you have made significant progress in the fight against the climate crisis, but that is not enough for me. That is not enough for my generation, who will have to live with the Earth that you hand us with an apologetic smile. In the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Sixth Assessment Report, it is stated that "today’s children and future generations are more likely to be exposed and vulnerable to... flooding, heat stress, water scarcity, poverty, and hunger." You might be okay with this, Mr. President, but I am not. 
    The fate of our nation is up to you. We are all watching, waiting to see what you will do. I beg of you, Mr. President, please don't look away. This is not a nightmare, this is reality, and it is up to you to take action before it's too late.


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