Saving 70% of the World | Teen Ink

Saving 70% of the World

April 1, 2024
By 5zirgibelj BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5zirgibelj BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Without boundaries and unlimited resources I would restore the world's most beautiful vacation spot, the ocean. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been to the ocean, whether it was to play on the beach, snorkeling, scuba diving, or swimming, but in my most recent visits to the open blue it was different, it was dirty and disgusting. Never have I seen so much dead fish and trash. I would spend my endless resources on putting millions of dollars into removing trash from the ocean to restore our planet to how it was before. These ships would be designed specifically with sensor equipment to locate and remove trash without harming any of the living organisms in the ocean. In doing this all 5.25 trillion tons of trash would be removed and everyone would be able to enjoy our beautiful oceans. Now you may ask what we would do with this trash. We would send it by rocket ship millions of miles away to an uninhabitable planet where we could drop it all without hurting or damaging any part of the world. With the trash gone I would be able to go back and enjoy the beach again and all its beauty. I would be able to see all of the wildlife flourishing in their freshly renewed environment. I would be able to lay there and think about how the world and how its food chain has been saved thanks to these actions. Afterwards, I could enjoy sitting on the beach with my toes in the sand and think about all of the good things in life without having to worry about the damage we humans have caused to our friendly neighbors that live in our ocean. If we don’t take action soon it will be too late, even with limited resources we can still make a difference.

The author's comments:

This is what I could do with my unlimited resources.

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