The moron Plastic | Teen Ink

The moron Plastic

June 16, 2024
By urname_mihini101 SILVER, Dehiwala, Other
urname_mihini101 SILVER, Dehiwala, Other
8 articles 2 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Since I’m your inspiration, you need to be doing the best

- Aravinda Dahanayake -

June 6 2024 was the world environmental day, people celebrated it all over the world planting new plants and trees, beach cleaning, banners and posters but does it only have to be done in the environmental day? My opinion is NO

There are five oceans in the world, half of those are now consumed by plastics. Blue whales, Turtles and other fish consume them and die at one but some live and when they are consumed by people it causes people nasty diseases and death.

beach cleaning and planting should be done everyday if we love the environment, not only on environmental day.

Our environment is being destroyed help it!


• That 12 million tonnes of plastic finds its way into the ocean every single year. 9.5 million tonnes of this enters the ocean from the land with 1.75 tonnes being chucked into the sea directly from the fishing a shipping industry. There are approximately 51 trillion microscopic pieces of plastic, weighing 269,000 tons.

The best thing you can do is minimize the use of plastics and switch to paper!

The author's comments:

This is written to the world environmental day!

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