Going NOT SO green | Teen Ink

Going NOT SO green

January 26, 2010
By Laneyj123 BRONZE, Bonita Springs, Florida
Laneyj123 BRONZE, Bonita Springs, Florida
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Most companies today are saying that they have now changed their products to GREEN products. WRONG really some of them are just trying to make money. I mean now most Americans are “Going Green” or they think they are… just because something says its green doesn’t always mean it is green. Companies today will do or say anything to get your money. It is not like we are in a world where there is no lying. It is sad how pollution is such a big problem and companies are just keeping their same formula and just make the bottle look better and making the product smell better. Now I am not saying that ALL companies do this I am saying that there are companies out that will do what it takes to make money. Some of these products are actually making our plant more polluted. So make sure that you know that when you buy a kind of cleaning product and it says GREEN on it that your money could be going to make more of this product and that might destroy our earth. One product I trust is Green Works, but it is your choice!


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