Wild Leaf Dreams | Teen Ink

Wild Leaf Dreams MAG

By Anonymous

Take me back to Winnapeak,
Where the mountains shake in the wind,
And the Earth vibrates
From the red robin’s song,
And to the rocks, where secrets hide.

Take me back to the forever sky
And the kiss of ice
On vanilla-frosted trees
Where the clouds were sheep
That frolicked loftily
Before the moon and the sun and wind.

Take me back to the alpine lakes
Filled with the children of the trees.
White drops that screamed
And houses that lean
Toward the rising and setting sun.

Take me back
To silver-dollar dreams
And swooping swirls
And swirling streams.

Take me back
To the copper-colored hills
Next to the striped sky
Along the strip of lifetimes

Take me back to the place
Where happiness rains from the sky
I can collect it in my cup
And drink it down
To the bottom of my being.

Take me back in Winnapeak
My bags are packed
With scarlet hopes and bottomless dreams.
Take me there today
Take me back


This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!