Nature From a Mountaintop | Teen Ink

Nature From a Mountaintop

March 20, 2013
By caludiaLeal GOLD, Reedsburg, Wisconsin
caludiaLeal GOLD, Reedsburg, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Thirty minutes of exercise a day keeps the doctor away. Have a nice day!

In a mountaintop there lived a nice, loving girl. She looked at the world from a great perspective. The high, beautiful place gave her an opportunity to see all of nature’s best aspects. From up there the world was a much better place. The trees swayed in the warm breeze. The animals roamed in the vast sea of green. She felt at peace with herself and her surroundings. Life was carefree. The nature was so green and healthy. It made her feel happy. In the middle of the forest was the biggest of the trees. It was her favorite. She used to swing from branch to branch on it. One morning the girl woke up to a sound. The sound of destruction. She saw the tree fall. A part of her heart was broken. The butchering continued. The men told her she could do nothing to stop the onslaught. So the days went on and they kept stabbing at the delicate ecosystem. After weeks of her suffering, the killing finally ended. But the damage was evident. The girl went down to the river which was no longer surrounded by evergreen trees. She found the deer searching wildly for a warm place in the woods. The winter was approaching and the animals had nowhere to go. The girl was sad. She would never forget what they did. But she still looks down from her mountaintop at the place which makes her happy.


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