Be Green | Teen Ink

Be Green

February 16, 2009
By Corinna Muntean BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
Corinna Muntean BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday people have to make decisions. How come most of our society chooses to take the wrong path? We choose to maintain our routine. People choose to litter, waste paper, and do other things that harm the planet. Everyone has the choice to change their routine and go onto the right path.

Instead of wasting paper, we could recycle it. Schools should encourage kids to recycle paper and try to make kids send them their papers through e-mail. It would save a lot paper, frustration, and money.

Secondly, we should use paint that has no volatile organic compounds. For kids that have asthma, it could make a tremendous difference. Simple things like this have an impact on the environment.

Every person has the choice of whether or not they should be eco-friendly. You can either let global warming continue or stop it before it gets drastically worst. The world is in your hands.


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