Inhaling Poison | Teen Ink

Inhaling Poison

October 1, 2019
By 24notmad BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
24notmad BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       Imagine, you are walking down the street and you see someone clearly under the age 18 vaping. Do you think that’s healthy or safe? Do you think anyone even over the age of 18 should be vaping with how many medical cases, including deaths, it has caused? Vaping has recently been taking the world by storm, killing at least 12 people and having roughly around 800+ hospital admissions due to lung collapses and diseases caused by vaping. 
       Some may say that it’s the parents and teachers that are at fault for this. Some may say that they are the people who spend most time with the teenagers and that they should be blamed for not knowing what is going on when they are not around. As I see why people think this, I believe that teachers and parents have other students, children, and their own lives to deal with and juggle around that they couldn’t possibly know everything you do when you are secretively doing something you shouldn’t be. 
       On the other hand, I feel as it is the teens themselves and the tobacco companies who are responsible. “companies use appealing advertisements and other techniques to manipulate kids into buying cigarettes” and “companies should follow stricter guidelines about marketing to teens.” Tobacco companies don’t do much to try and prevent these children out of their death beds as they continue to make fun, tropical, and fruity flavors and themes for their cigarettes and vape pods so that they are made to look appealing to a younger eye; the blame isn’t all on the creators, though. The teens are also majorly at fault. They are the ones who decided to pick up the vape/cigarette and inhale all the poison-like substances into their body. 
       In conclusion, this is a very important topic because when these vapes came out there was a severe lack of information on then and no one had any clue of what damage it could do to your body long term. Now, all the stuff we didn’t know could happen, is happening. All the unknown effects are causing deaths all over the world. Over 40 million people are contributing into this by continuing to buy these lung infecting products.  

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