If Only I had Medical Marijuana | Teen Ink

If Only I had Medical Marijuana

January 27, 2020
By Anonymous

I believe medical marijuana needs to be legalized for all children, let alone people, with a life absorbing condition because my experience with epilepsy confirms it. From the time I was ten months old, to just turning three, I fought through six epileptic seizures-- five being complex febrile and one being grand mal. I was provided with Trileptal, a medication that has weakened my teeth to an extent to where no matter how much my teeth are brushed, they will always remain yellow in color. Medical marijuana would not have caused this issue for me. Also, with in the past six years, my body has shown signs of epilepsy coming back. In the case of what happened last year, I lost complete control of my right arm and hand-- something that hasn’t ensued to me since I was a three. If I had been given medical marijuana when I was younger, or even now, there’s a great chance my symptoms wouldn’t have been as bad as they were, or have even happened. 

The author's comments:

I've fought against epilepsy since I was a couple months old, and I will never give up on finding the right treatment for myself and others. 

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