Recipe For Senioritis During The Quarantine | Teen Ink

Recipe For Senioritis During The Quarantine

May 22, 2020
By DaddyTrump BRONZE, Okauchee, Wisconsin
DaddyTrump BRONZE, Okauchee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments


3 hours of sleep
1 new pc 
1 acceptance letter
A pocketful of laziness 
A slice of existential dread 
5 hours of homework
A wink of constantly nagging parents 
A mound of built of anger


1. Stay up until 5 in the morning
2. Set an alarm for 8 that will be inevitably switched to 9, then 10, than turned off
3. Roll out of your bed onto your chair in front of your new pc. 
4. “Just one more game” “Just one more game”
5. Sit down to start your homework and check your emails.
6. Read the new emails from the college you're accepted into.
7. Stop trying on homework because what are the odds of you getting kicked out.
8. Take a nap.
9. Tell your mom to leave your room again as she is telling you to do homework.
10. Get angry then feel bad after she leaves.
11. Lay back down and think about how you're such a bad child.
12. Give up...

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