Put the Razor Down | Teen Ink

Put the Razor Down

January 16, 2014
By Jasmine_Rae BRONZE, Dyersburg, TN, Tennessee
Jasmine_Rae BRONZE, Dyersburg, TN, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Put that razor down, and take five steps away from it, take one last look then walk away. Go in a room, alone. Think about how much people care about you, how much I care about you. Now, before you go pick that razor back up, look at you wrist, see them cuts? They mean the past and they are beautiful. Now, go pick the razor up, look at your wrist again, then go give to razor to your parents. Tell them whats going on, it will be hard, but you can do it. Now, after that tell them why you are doing it. Its okay if they cry or even if you cry. If you can't tell your parents tell your best friend or even me. I'll help you every step of the way. Now take that razor and tell it good-bye. Don't think about self harm ever again! Their are lots of people who would love to see you fail, so look them in the eyes and smile. Don't let them bring you down, you are beautiful.

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