Dress to Impress | Teen Ink

Dress to Impress

September 24, 2018
By Anonymous

The writing titled “Dress to Impress,” written by Cooper G., talks about school dress code. His writing left me feeling shocked and started to question the school dress code. After reading this article it left me feeling shocked about school dress codes. In the article it says, “As a boy, I always, had many options of clothes to wear, so a dress code never really applied to me and I was never afraid of getting “Prunked””the term everyone was used to describe being caught by the vice principal, Mrs. Prunk.” When his sister got caught she was sent to Mrs. Prunks office. When she got there her parents were called and told to bring her another outfit to change into because her original outfit was not to par. The part that her brother started to question the dress code was that his sisters outfit matched the dress code. In the article it said that she had to older sisters and that she knew the dress code very well and always followed it completely.

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