Feedback on Lake Conversation | Teen Ink

Feedback on Lake Conversation

February 6, 2019
By Anonymous

        Most of us have all liked someone else. Haley Wildhirt's wonderful and relatable "Lake Conversation" is a piece about how the narrator feels about confessing to the boy she liked. The narrator wakes up feeling empty, while her inner voices quarrel about the decision that she is going to make. The narrator then feels trapped and decides to go outside and tell the boy she liked. After she opens up, the boy tells her that she will find someone better than him, which is usually what most people fear when confessing: that the person they like does not like them back.

        I like someone, too. This piece was especially close since I have very similar thoughts to the narrator Haley Wildhirt wrote about. I enjoy spending time with the girl that I like, but I sometimes lie awake in the dark and contemplate what will happen to our friendship if I told the truth. Yes, I do like you. Yes, YOU. Your head resting on your shoulder and smooth, pristine hands holding Teen Ink. Your flawless face and your reassuring eyes taking in every word. Haley Wildhirt's "Lake Conversation" has not only been a story of a confession but now a part of me. 

The author's comments:

I am thirteen and decided to include something about someone I like. Her name means happiness, which is something she has sparked in me last year. 

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