Say It First (One Of Us Has To) by Jordyn | Teen Ink

Say It First (One Of Us Has To) by Jordyn

March 26, 2019
By rebeca17 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
rebeca17 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found Jordyn's articlde "Say It First (One Of Us Has To)" extremely moving. She talks about a long distance friendship that has fallen apart. However neither of the "friends" take the first step to talk or check up on each other after years. She describes how one of them is extremely sad and misses her friend and is debating on whether to contact her or not. I agree with her when she says "Friendship is too valuable to be disrupted by something as insignificant as a few thousand miles". I believe that true friendships dont have to see each other on a daily basis to know that person cares and is there for you. Distance shouldnt be an obstacle if both of you are whiling to put from your part. Friendships are very important, having someone whom you can talk to about anything is amazing. Thank you Jordyn for expressing this, it really helps people see the significance of friendship and that its okey to speak up first if you really care about something or someone. 

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