She's Only Five | Teen Ink

She's Only Five

November 6, 2013
By AbbiMorales BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
AbbiMorales BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can easily relate to Alicia’s Gonzales’ article, “She’s Only Five” when she wrote about her volunteer work at the Read To Me program because I have had the privilege to have volunteered there as well. I found the article very moving because it made me reminisce of the experience I had reading to this eight year old, who was similar to Natalia, the girl Alicia read to. This girl also had a beaming personality, and was very energetic, like Natalia. As Alicia’s tone changes when Natalia had, “...all the zest and liveliness drained out of her…” when she talked about just wanting to be a normal girl with a real house, all I can think about is the poor innocent face of the little girl that I read to. Thank you, Alicia for reminding me the importance of volunteer work, and the amazing memories you make that come along with it, leaving an ever-lasting imprint in your heart.

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