Bus Driver Roy O'Neil | Teen Ink

Bus Driver Roy O'Neil

November 22, 2013
By Cassie Casy BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Cassie Casy BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Bus Driver Roy O’Neil’ by Dakota Lawson is a heartfelt, bittersweet account of perseverance. She tells the story of her kind-hearted bus driver, Roy O’Neil. He was kind to every one of his ‘bus kids’ and took his job seriously always being efficient and bringing forth his best effort to everything he did. At one point in the story, Dakota says “Every day he was at my driveway at exactly 6:30.” Dakota continuously shows genuine respect towards Roy in a way that is very complimentary.Eventually, Roy is diagnosed with cancer. He becomes increasingly ill and right before he dies, Roy gives each of his ‘bus kids’ a two dollar bill, hoping it will go up in monetary value in the future. It never did increase in value monetarily, but Dakota says it did go up in value for her because it was a reminder of his lasting kindness.

This article grabbed my attention because it was unique in it’s own way. Most bus drivers aren’t exactly friendly. It was a relationship that was found in the most unexpected place, although it was one of the most valued and special. It was very relatable because I think that many people have been touched by cancer patients and it shows that when you lose someone you love you don’t mourn, but rejoice, for they had a life to live and you should be thankful for that opportunity.I think the overall message was to be positive and happy because your life is short and you only get one, so don’t waste it being pessimistic. Roy put all his effort into doing his job to the best of his ability, as we all should whether it be a lawyer, a garbage truck driver, the secretary of state, or even, a bus driver.

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