Rap Attacks | Teen Ink

Rap Attacks

November 25, 2013
By Max Smith BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Max Smith BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Rap Attacks” by Tanner Vandesande was one of the most inspiring stories I have ever read. It’s full of inspiring personal memories of Tanner facing his fear and entering in the talent show. This piece got my attention because I could really connect to a situation like Tanner’s. I really like to rap but I didn’t know how to tell any of my friends. I was too scared and nervous of what they would think. Just like Tanner I entered the talent show, not knowing what would happen as I said the last words. This piece really inspired me and I’m sure that it will inspire others too. I learned that you should always follow your heart and it’s not what others think that counts, it’s how you see yourself. I highly enjoyed Tanner Vandesande’s “Rap Attacks.”

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