"The Skirt" Response | Teen Ink

"The Skirt" Response

February 5, 2014
By Anonymous

In "The Skirt", Emily describes her excitement to buy a short skirt that she saw in a store. This is unlike her because she is someone who normally dresses modestly and never wears anything too revealing. When she tries the skirt on it fits well, but she is unhappy because she realizes that she is trying to become a persona that does not represent who she really is.

I think that every teenager could learn something from reading this article. Self-image is a very important subject that students should be talked to about. Many High School students feel pressured to fit in with cliques or dress in the latest fashion so that they will have a good image. What many don't realize is that real happiness is NOT a pair of pants or a shirt. It is not pretending to be someone that you are not. No one can be happy if they aren't willing to accept themselves.

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